#HTML5 Ultimate Course

HTML5 For Web Development: Quickly Master HTML5 By Building A Project From Scratch

What you will learn

☑ Build An Actual Project From Scratch Using HTML5

☑ Learn How To Use HTML5 For Web Development & Web Design

☑ How To Easily Build Beautiful Websites From Scratch Using HTML5

☑ Learn & Master The Use Of HTML Tags (Starting With The Advanced Ones)

☑ Learn To Use Formatting Tags, Layout Tags, Classes and IDS As Well As The Video Tag

☑ The Necessary Skills & Knowledge To Quickly Build & Edit WebPages

☑ Download & Install Sublime Text 3 Text Editor for Coding

☑ Download & Install MAMP for working in a local Web Development Enviornment

☑ Download & Install Firefox Web Browser for testing & Debuggin your web pages


Have you always wanted to learn how to code but don’t know where to start?

Would you like to make amazing websites and bring your ideas to life?

Then HTML5 Ultimate Course is for you!

Hi, I’m your instructor Josh Werner and I’ll be leading you through this course.

Programming is the most in-demand skill in 2021.

The course begins with the basics.

I’ll take you through everything you need to know to start building websites like an expert.

You’ll learn all the fundamentals of HTML5 and how you can

use them to start building the structure of websites.

This is great for students starting or advanced developers that need a refresher course on HTML5.

There are no requirements necessary to enroll I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn

Feel Free to look through the course description and checkout some of my preview videos

The course is packed with over 5 hours of hands-on tutorials

Here is what you will Learn:

01. Introduction

001. Overview

02. FireFox Developer Edition

002. Overview

003. Download & Install

004. Features

005. Developer Tools

006. Summary

03. Atom

007. Overview

008. Download & Install

009. Open a Project

010. Version Control with GitHub

011. Collaborate with Teletype

012. Install a Package

013. Choose a Theme

014. Customize the Styling

015. Hack on the Init Script

016. Add a Snippet

017. Keyboard Shortcuts

018. Summary

04. History

019. Overview

020. HTML History

021. What is HTML

022. What is HTML5

05. Basic Tags

023. Overview

024. Download and Setup Files

025. <!– Comment –>

026. <!DOCTYPE>

027. <html>

028. <head>

029. <title>

030. <body>

031. <h1> to <h6>

032. <p>

033. <br>

034. <hr>

035. <a>

036. <link>

037. <meta>

038. <style>

039. Summary

06. Styles and Semantics

040. Overview

041. <div>

042. <span>

043. <header>

044. <nav>

045. <main>

046. <section>

047. <article>

048. <aside>

049. <details>

050. <dialog>

051. <summary>

052. <data>

053. <footer>

054. Summary

07. Lists

055. Overview

056. <ul>

057. <ol>

058. <li>

059. <dir>

060. <dl>

061. <dt>

062. <dd>

063. Summary

08. Images

064. Overview

065. <img>

066. <map>

067. <area>

068. <canvas>

069. <figcaption>

070. <figure>

071. <picture>

072. <svg>

073. Summary

09. Audio and Video

074. Overview

075. <audio>

076. <source>

077. <track>

078. <video>

079. Summary

10. Forms and Input

080. Overview

081. <form>

082. <input>

083. <textarea>

084. <button>

085. <select>

086. <optgroup>

087. <option>

088. <label>

089. <fieldset>

090. <legend>

091. <datalist>

092. <output>

093. Summary

11. Frames

094. Overview

095. <frame>

096. <frameset>

097. <noframes>

098. <iframe>

099. Summary

12. Tables

100. Overview

101. <table>

102. <caption>

103. <th>

104. <tr>

105. <td>

106. <thead>

107. <tbody>

108. <tfoot>

109. <col>

110. <colgroup>

111. Summary

13. Programming

112. Overview

113. script

114. noscript

115. <applet>

116. <embed>

117. <object>

118. <param>

119. Summary

14. Formatting

120. Overview

121. <acronym>

122. <abbr>

123. <address>

124. <b>

125. <bdi>

126. <bdo>

127. <big>

128. <blockquote>

129. <center>

130. <cite>

131. <code>

132. <del>

133. <dfn

134. <em>

135. <font>

136. <i>

137. <ins>

138. <kbd>

139. <mark>

140. <meter>

141. <pre>

142. <progress>

143. <q>

144. <rp>

145. <rt>

146. <ruby>

147. <s>

148. <samp>

149. <small>

150. <strike>

151. <strong>

152. <sub>

153. <sup>

154. <template>

155. <time>

156. <tt>

157. <u>

158. <var>

159. <wbr>

160. Summary

15. Project

161. Overview

162. Build Home Page

163. Build Tech Support Page

164. Build Course Page

165. Build Premium Plus Page

166. Build Learn Tech Page

167. Build Contact Page

168. Summary

16. Conclusion

169. Summary

So what are you waiting for? I look forward to going through course with you I’ll see you inside!






Sublime Text 3

Download and Install



Download and Install



Download and Install


Setup Project Files

Setup Project Files

Advanced HTML5

HTML5 Layout Tags

HTML5 Formatting Tags

HTML5 Media Tags


Download Project Files

Project Overview

Build Home Page

Build Tech Support Page

Build Course Page

Build Premium Plus Page

Build Learn Tech Page

Build Contact Page

Project Conclusion


Bonus Lecture

Enroll for Free


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