#HTML, JavaScript, & Bootstrap – Certification Course

A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners interested in learning HTML, JavaScript, & Bootstrap. Build Interactive Web Pages.

What you will learn

☑ Master HTML and code customized, stylish web pages

☑ Add interactivity to Static HTML elements using JavaScript

☑ Learn to build mobile responsive web pages, using the Bootstrap Framework

☑ Create modern, stylish websites using the latest scripting languages

☑ Learn to work with variables, conditional statements, arrays, and loops in JavaScript

☑ Master the Bootstrap Grid system, so your Web Pages fit all devices, and screen sizes.

☑ Learn to build stylish forms in Bootstrap with complete JavaScript enabled validation

☑ Learn to create stylish navigation bars and menus using Bootstrap theme elements

☑ + Much More…


Welcome to the HTML, JavaScript, & Bootstrap – Certification Course for Beginners

This course gives students the knowledge necessary to take their front-end development skills to the next level. This course, is meant for beginners who have little, to no experience with coding. We start right from the foundational concepts and work our way up to intermediate level topics. By the end of this course, students will be able to create stunning, mobile responsive web pages using the latest scripting languages.

HTML Section:

HTML is a key fundamental building block when learning to develop websites. Students will initially learn the basics of HTML page structure and gradually transition into working with spacing, text formatting, lists, images, videos, links, anchors, tables, forms and much more. We also include several projects, where students are shown first-hand, how to develop and code html web pages from scratch.

JavaScript Section:

In Section two, students learn to integrate JavaScript components into their web pages for dynamic client-side functionality. We start by exploring basic concepts such as JavaScript placement and Output. From there we move into Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Objects, and Data Types. Students also explore intermediate concepts such as math functions, arrays, conditional statements, loops, events, and functions.

Bootstrap Section:

Students are taught to use the Bootstrap framework for responsive, mobile-first – front-end development. As one of the leading open-source development libraries, Bootstrap is an essential part of the developers coding arsenal. The section begins with teaching students how to include essential Bootstrap files into web pages. It then explores the Bootstrap Grid system and popular layout strategies for optimal cross-device and cross-browser compatibility.

Students gain exposure to just about every Bootstrap component, from typography, tables and images, to jumbotrons, wells, alerts, buttons, glyphicons and progress bars. The section includes several hands-on exercises that will walk students through the process of creating stunning layouts, complete with modals, carousels, popovers, drop-down menus, forms and much more.




HTML Development

Introduction to HTML

Basic Structure of a Web Page

HTML Head Tags

HTML Body Tag

HTML Paragraph Spacing

HTML Line Breaks

HTML Non-Breaking Space

HTML Header Tags

HTML Text Formatting and Decoration

HTML Inline Text Formatting

HTML Unordered Lists

HTML Ordered Lists

HTML Image Insertion

HTML Embedding Videos

HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing

HTML Link Creation

HTML Anchor Tags

HTML Tables

HTML Nested Tables

HTML Merging Cells

HTML Text Wrapping

HTML Table Background Image

HTML Cell Alignment

HTML – Introduction to Forms

HTML Form Tags and Attributes

HTML Forms – Post vs Get

HTML Forms – Input Text Fields

HTML Forms – Select Menus

HTML Forms – Check Boxes and Radio Buttons

HTML Forms – Text Areas and Buttons

HTML Iframes

HTML Project – Introduction

HTML Project – Header

HTML Project – Callout

HTML Project – Image Insertion

HTML Project – Text Insertion

HTML Project – Links and Form

HTML Project – Tabular Data

HTML Project – Footer

JavaScript Development

DOM Introduction

DOM Manipulation

JavaScript – Introduction

JavaScript Placement

External JavaScript

JavaScript Output

JavaScript InnerHTML

JavaScript Commenting

JavaScript Constants

JavaScript Variables Introduction

JavaScript Assignment Operator

JavaScript Arithmetic Operations

JavaScript Arithmetic Operations Continued

JavaScript Operator Precedence

JavaScript Data Types

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript Object Output

JavaScript Strings

JavaScript String Length

JavaScript String Length

JavaScript Random Numbers

JavaScript Min and Max Function

JavaScript Math Round Function

JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript Array Attributes

JavaScript Arrays – Pop – Push – Shift – Unshift

JavaScript Changing and Deleting Elements

JavaScript Splicing an Array

JavaScript Sorting an Array

JavaScript Joining Arrays

JavaScript Conditional Statements

JavaScript Comparisons

JavaScript Booleans

JavaScript For Loops

JavaScript For-In Loop

JavaScript While Loops

JavaScript Do-While Loop

JavaScript Break and Continue

JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Events

JavaScript Project 1 – BG Color Changer

Bootstrap Development

Introduction to Bootstrap

Embedding Bootstrap

Bootstrap Basic Page Structure

Bootstrap Grid System

Bootstrap Three Column Layouts

Bootstrap Typography

Bootstrap Tables

Bootstrap Styling Images

Bootstrap Jumbotron

Bootstrap Wells

Bootstrap Alerts

Bootstrap Buttons

Bootstrap Button Groups

Bootstrap Justified Button Groups

Bootstrap Glyphicons

Bootstrap Badges and Labels

Bootstrap Progress Bars

Bootstrap Pagination

Bootstrap Pager Pagination

Bootstrap List Groups

Bootstrap Panels

Bootstrap Dropdown Menus

Bootstrap Collapsibles

Bootstrap Collapse Panel

Bootstrap Collapse List Group

Bootstrap Accordian

Bootstrap Tab Menus

Bootstrap Pill Menus

Bootstrap Dynamic Tabs and Pills

Bootstrap Navigation Bar

Bootstrap Collapsible Navigation Bar

Bootstrap Forms – Vertical and Inline

Bootstrap Inputs

Bootstrap Form Control States

Bootstrap Input Sizing

Bootstrap Carousel

Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Tooltip

Bootstrap Popover

Bootstrap Scrollspy

Bootstrap Project – Themes Intro

Bootstrap Project – File Overview

Bootstrap Project – Script Overview

Bootstrap Project – Script Overview Cont.

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