#The Python Developer Essentials 2021 Immersive Bootcamp

Learn the skills you need to become a Professional and Certified Python Developer with this Complete Training Course

What you will learn

☑ How to Program with Python and write a clean code

☑ The core Python concepts needed to become A Dev Professional

☑ Understand of how Python works behind the scenes

☑ Variables, Representing Data Types, and using Math

☑ Syntax and Recognize Code Blocks

☑ Understanding and Analyzing Errors

☑ Built-In Functions and Methods

☑ User-Defined and Anonymous Functions

☑ Structure all Data with Built-In Data Structures

☑ Flows Control for Programs

☑ Object-Oriented Programming

☑ Different types of Modules

☑ Handle Files using Python 3.9.2

☑ Get the Instructor QA support


Hello and welcome to The Python Developer Essentials 2021 Immersive Bootcamp

Learn the skills you need to become a Professional Certified Python Developer with this Complete Training Course.

You’ll become a Certified Python Developer and Coding Rockstar in no time.

This course covers all the following concepts theoretically and practically:

  • How to Program with Modern Python
  • The clean Python code
  • The core Python concepts needed to become A Dev Professional
  • Understand of how Python works behind the scenes
  • Variables, Representing Data Types, and using Math
  • Syntax and Recognize Code Blocks
  • Understanding and Analyzing Errors
  • Built-In Data Structures
  • Built-In Functions and Methods
  • Flows Control for Programs
  • User-Defined and Anonymous Functions
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Different types of Modules
  • Handle Files using Python 3.9.2
  • Get the Instructor QA support

All of that and many more supported by the instructor assistance and guidance throughout this complete high-quality Guide.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, this Guide is for you, and will change your Dev career and your thinking for the best in the world of software Engineering.

Python is the most popular programming language out there, and The best programming language in terms of ease and features.

So, what are you waiting for, enroll now to go through an Immersive Training of the most popular Programming Language on the market, Python.

Become A Python Guru in no time!






Installing and Verifying Python 3.9.2

Working with VSCode for Python

Variables, Data Types, Printing and Getting classes

Basic data types theory

Variables and Assignments theory

Multiple assignments theory

Naming variables theory

Printing values to the screen theory

Getting class type theory

Variables and Assignments hands-on

Multiple assignments hands-on

Assign one Value to many variables hands-on

Printing values to the screen hands-on

Getting class type hands-on

Math Operations

Math operations theory

Math Orders theory

Math operations hands-on

Math Orders hands-on

Comments and White Spaces

Comments theory

White Spaces theory

Comments hands-on

White Spaces hands-on


Error Types Theory

Error Types hands-on


Function types theory

Functions built-in theory

User defined functions theory

Functions built-in hands-on

User defined functions hands-on

Calling many times hands-on

Pass many arguments

Return many values

Anonymous Lambda

Scope in Python

Structured Data in Python 3.9.2

Lists theory

Tuples theory

Sets theory

Dictionaries theory

Create a list, change and insert

Add and extend a list

Delete and clear list items

Create a Tuple, No change

Accessing tuples and ranges

Concatenate and delete tuples

Create a set and get len

Sets type and constructor to empty

No Accessing for set items

Adding items to a set

Removing and clearing sets

Creating dictionaries

Dictionary len and type

Dictionary all about accessing

Dictionary all about updating values

Adding one or many items in dictionary

Deleting dictionary items and clearing

Comparison, Logic, Additional, and Conditional Statements

Comparison operators theory

Logical operator theory

Conditional theory

Comparison operators hands-on

Logical operator hands-on

Additional operators

Conditional Statements hands-on

Loops: Repeating and Iterating

While loops theory

For loops theory

The while loop in python hands-on

The for loop hands-on

for range break

Working with Classes

Classes theory

Classes and Objects Hands-On

Objects Modifications

Class Methods and Constructors

Inheritance from other classes Hands-on

Modules: User and Built-in

modules theory

Understand all about Modules

Handle Files

Files Handling theory

Reading Files

Writing to Files

Deleting Files

Enroll for Free

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