#The Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp 2021

From Beginner to Oracle SQL Developer: Get Ready for Oracle Certification Exam 1Z0-071 and Become Oracle SQL Certified

What you will learn

Master the Contents Required to Pass Oracle SQL Exam 1Z0-071

The Full Track of Oracle Database SQL 18c

Have the Ability to Solve any Oracle SQL Problem

Downloading and Installing Oracle Database 18c Express Edition

Installing Oracle SQL Developer

Connecting to the Database using Oracle SQL Developer and SQLPlus

Retrieving Data Using SELECT statement

Restricting and Sorting Data Using WHERE and ORDER BY Clause

Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions

Displaying Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins

Using Subqueries Part I

Using Set Operators

Manipulating Data Using DML Statements Part I

Data Definition Language (DDL) / Creating Tables

Data Dictionary Views

Data Definition Language (DDL) / Creating Views

Data Definition Language (DDL) / Creating Sequences/ Creating Synonyms/ Creating Indexes

Managing Schema Objects

Using Subqueries Part II

Manipulating Data By Using Subqueries

Controlling User Access

Manipulating Data Using DML Statements Part II

Managing Data in Different Time Zones


Welcome to the Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp 2021.

If you want to get ready and become a professional Oracle SQL Developer and Prepare for an Oracle SQL Certification Exam 1Z0-071: Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), then this course is the best for you.

Do you want to get a better job?

Are you bored with watching a lot of stuff, but could not learn anything?

Are you looking for a really professional course?

Then this is best Oracle SQL course you are looking for.

You have come to the right place!

If you are new to Oracle SQL, no problem! You can easily learn with all the details of SQL. If you already know SQL and want to improve you skills, this course explains all the details including all of the subjects.

Get this course, and go get a better job!

In this course, all the subjects are explained in a professional way.

All practices and solutions are in the lessons. you can pause the video and complete the practice before resuming to watch the solution. Make sure you solve the practice on your own before moving on to the solution!

Topics covered in this course:

  • Downloading and installing Oracle database express 18c in details
  • Downloading and installing Oracle SQL Developer
  • Connecting to Oracle Database using SQL Developer and SQLPlus
  • Retrieving data using the select statement
  • Restricting / Filtering Data
  • Sorting Data
  • Using Substitution Variables
  • Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
  • Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
  • Displaying Data from multiple tables using joins
  • Using Subqueries to Solve Queries Part I
  • Using the Set Operators
  • Manipulating tables using DML Statements ( Insert, Update, Delete )
  • Using Data Definition Language / Creating tables
  • Managing objects with data dictionary views
  • Creating Views in details
  • Creating sequences, synonyms, and indexes
  • Managing Schema Objects
  • Retrieving Data By Using Subqueries Part II
  • Manipulating Data By Using Subqueries
  • Controlling User Access in details
  • Manipulating Data using DML Part II
  • Managing Data in Different Time Zones


Download the Course Syllabus
Data and Database Overview
DBMS and SQL Overview
Downloading Oracle Database Express
Installing Oracle Database Express
Downloading Oracle SQL Developer
Installing Oracle SQL Developer
Connecting to Oracle Database using Oracle SQL Developer
View Table Structure and Data Practice
Connecting to Oracle Database using Oracle SQLPlus Practice
Using SELECT Statement to Retrieve Data
Writing Basic SELECT Statement
Writing Basic SELECT Statement Practice
Arithmetic Operations and Null Values
Arithmetic Operations and Null Values Practice
Using Column Alias
Using Column Alias Practice
Concatenation Operator, Literal Character String and DISTINCT keyword
Describe Command
Concatenation Operator, Literal Character String, Distinct and Describe Practice
All Chapter Practices
Filtering Data
Filtering Data
Filtering Data Practice
Comparison Operators
Comparison Operators Practice
Logical Operators
Logical Operators Practice
Chapter 3 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Sorting Data
Sorting Data
Sorting Data Practice
Chapter 4 Quiz 1
Row Limiting Clause
Row Limiting Clause Practice
Chapter 4 Quiz 2
Substitution Variables
Difference between & and && Practice
Define and Verify Commands
Substitution Variables and Verify Practice
Chapter 4 Quiz 3
All Chapter Practices
Single Row Functions
SQL Functions
Character Functions – Case Conversion Functions
Case Conversion Functions Practice
Character Functions – Manipulation Functions
Character Manipulation Functions Practice
Chapter 5 Quiz 1
Numeric Functions
Numeric Functions Practice
Chapter 5 Quiz 2
Date Functions
Date Functions Practice
All Chapter Practices
Conversion and General Functions
Data Type Conversion
Conversion Functions – TO_CHARE
TO_CHARE Practice
Conversion Functions – TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE
TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Practice
Chapter 6 Quiz 1
General Functions – NVL, NVL2, NULLIF and COALESCE
NVL and NVL2 Practice
Chapter 6 Quiz 2
General Functions – CASE and DECODE
CASE and DECODE Practice
All Chapter Practices
Group Functions
Using Group Functions
Using Group Functions Practice
Distinct and Null Values in Group Functions
Distinct and Null Values in Group Functions Practice
Using the GROUP BY clause
Using Group By Clause Pratice
Chapter 7 Quiz 1
Using the HAVING clause
Using the HAVING Clause Practice
Chapter 7 Quiz 2
All Chapter Practices
Join – Overview
Inner Join – Natural Join
Inner Join – Natural Join Practice
Inner Join – Using Clause
Inner Join – Using Clause Practice
Inner Join – ON Clause
Inner Join – ON Clause Practice
Chapter 8 Quiz 1
Inner Join – Self Join
Inner Join – Self Join Practice
Non equijoin
Outer Join
Outer Join Practice
Cross (Cartesian) Join
Cross Join Practice
Chapter 8 Quiz 2
All Chapter Practices
Using Subqueries I
Using Subqueries
Single Row Subquery
Single Row Subquery Practice
Multi Row Subquery
Multi Row Subquery Practice
Multi Column Subquery
Multi Column Subquery Practice
Chapter 9 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
SET Operators
Set Operators – Overview
Set Operators – UNION/UNION ALL
Union/Union All Practice
Intersect/Minus Practice
Chapter 10 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
DML – Data Manipulation Language and TCL – Transaction Control Language
DML – INSERT Statement
DML – UPDATE Statement
DML – DELETE Statement
TCL – Transaction Control Language
DML and TCL Practice
Chapter 11 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
DDL – Data Definition Language
Columns Data Types
Create Table Practice
Table Constraints – NOT NULL and CHECK
Not Null and Check Constraints Practice
Table Constraints – UNIQUE and PRIMARY
Unique and Primary Constraints Practice
Table Constraints – FOREIGN KEY
Foreign Key Constraints Practice Part I
Foreign Key Constraints Practice Part II
Chapter 12 Quiz 1
CREATE TABLE with Subquery
Create Table with Subquery Practice
Alter Table Practice
DDL – DROP TABLE Statement
Drop Table Practice
Chapter 12 Quiz 2
All Chapter Practices
Data Dictionary Views
Data Dictionary – Overview
Data Dictionary Views– Objects Information
Data Dictionary Views– Tables Information
Data Dictionary Views– Columns Information
Data Dictionary Views– Constraints Information
Data Dictionary Views– Comments
Chapter 13 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Views Overview
Create View / Query View
Create View and Query View Practice
Modify View
Modify View Practice
DML Operations on a View
DML Operations on a View Practice
Retrieve VIEW Information / Drop VIEW
Retrieve VIEW Information and Drop VIEW Practice
Chapter 14 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Create Sequences
Create Sequences Practice
Using Sequences / Modify Sequences
Using Sequences and Modify Sequences Practice
View Sequence Information / Drop Sequence
View Sequence Information and Drop Sequence Practice
Chapter 15 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Create Synonym
Create Synonym Practice
View Synonym Information / Drop Synonym
View Synonym Information and Drop Synonym Practice
All Chapter Practices
Create Index
Create Index Practice
View Index Information / Drop Index
VIew Index Information and Drop Index Practice
Chapter 17 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Managing Schema Objects
Managing Constraints
Managing Constraints Practice
Chapter 18 Quiz 1
Temporary Table
Temporary Table Practice
External Table
External Table Practice
Chapter 18 Quiz 2
All Chapter Practices
Using Subqueries II
Multicolumn Subquery
Multicolumn Subquery Practice
Correlated Subquery
Correlated Subquery Practice
Chapter 19 Quiz 1
EXISTS and NOT EXISTS Operators Practice
Chapter 19 Quiz 2
WITH Clause
WITH Clause Practice
Chapter 19 Quiz 3
All Chapter Practices
Manipulating Data Using Subqueries
Correlated Update
Correlated Update Practice
Correlated Delete
Inline View
Chapter 20 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices
Controlling User Access
Privileges Overview
System Privileges
System Privileges Practice
Object Privileges
Object Privileges Practice
Chapter 21 Quiz 1
Roles Practice
Revoke Privileges
Revoke Privileges Practice
All Chapter Practices
Manipulating Data – DML II
MERGE Statement
Merge Statement Practice
Multitable Insert – Overview
Multitable Insert – Unconditional INSERT ALL
Unconditional Insert All Practice
Multitable Insert – Conditional INSERT ALL
Multitable Insert – Conditional INSERT FIRST
Conditional Insert First Practice
Multitable Insert – Pivoting INSERT
Chapter 22 Quiz 1
FLASHBACK Table Statement/Drop
Flashback Practice
All Chapter Practices
Managing Data in Different Time Zones
Time Zone Overview
Time Zone Practice
Interval Data Types Practice
Other Time Functions
Other Time Functions Practice
Chapter 23 Quiz 1
All Chapter Practices

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