#The Complete IT Job Search Course – Land Your Dream IT Job

Launch Your IT Job Search On the Right Track! Master the IT World’s LinkedIn Resume CV Writing & Interviewing Skills

What you will learn

☑ How to search for an IT job

☑ How to apply for an IT job

☑ Be successfull in resume and job interview

☑ How to land the dream job in IT

☑ Research your target companies and use that information to your advantage during the job search


The Complete IT Job Search Course – Land Your Dream IT Job

In this course, Imran Afzal will share the new techniques and tricks to find a job effectively in IT field.  He will teach you how to develop your skills and build your brand.  Also how you can stay on top of all the recent technologies. 

Imran Afzal has collaborated with TJ Walker (a world class public speaker).  He will provide you the best guidance on how to improve your interview skills

Here is what Imran Afzal will cover on the first half

  • Introduction to the course
  • Picking only one IT field
  • Understand the Job Title
  • Put Your Skin in the Game
  • Write Down your Goal
  • Don’t be Jealous of Others Success, Follow Instead
  • Leave no Choice, Burn your Boats and Be Hungry
  • Stay Persistent
  • How to update your skills
  • College degree
  • A+ certification
  • IT Diploma
  • In-call or on-line training
  • Certification
  • Conferences
  • Internship
  • Signup for vendor newsletter
  • Review Competitive Resumes
  • Resume designing and formating
  • Common resume mistakes
  • Applying at IT job portals
  • Working with Recruiters or Headhunters and HR Rep
  • Search for job keywords
  • Setup job alerts
  • Getting Help from Family and Friends
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Job Search Tracker

Part II – TJ Walker Interview Course

Imagine your job search is going well. Your LinkedIn profile has gotten you in front of the right people. Your resume and CV have landed you interviews. And now it’s time for your the big interview…

Are you ready?

TJ Walker, Udemy’s number one communication skills instructor, will teach you every trick in the book when it comes to coming across your best in every single job interview. Nobody can guarantee that you’ll get every single job offer, but we can make sure that you come across your very best in every single interview.

TJ will teach you the following;

  • How to exude confidence
  • How to tell stories that showcase your accomplishments
  • How to make the Interviewer feel like you would be an indispensable part of their team
  • Last-minute prep tips for every job interview
  • The sure fire way of rehearsing for every single job interview to give you maximum confidence in authority before every job interview
  • Leave nothing to chance! It’s not enough to search for jobs the right way, have a great LinkedIn page, have the perfect resume and CV, or master job interview skills. You must excel in every one of these job search elements. Then, and only then, will you land your dream job and prepare yourself for a series of jobs that will give you the ultimate Career you dream of and deserve.

Go ahead and enroll in this IT job search course today.




Introduction – Part I


Pick Only One Field – Part I

Pick Only One Field – Part II

Understand the Job Title

Put Your Skin in the Game

Write Down your Goal

Don’t be Jealous of Others Success, Follow Instead

Leave no Choice, Burn your Boats and Be Hungry

Stay Persistent

Acquire or Update Skills

College Degrees

New to IT (A+ Certification)

IT Related Diplomas

In-Class OR Online IT Courses


IT Conferences and Webinars


Sign up for community forums

Sign up for vendors newsletter

Review Competitive Resumes

Read a Book and Newspaper


Resume design and format

Grammatical mistakes

Objective or Summary

Awards and Recognition

Length of the Resume

Support your Resume

Cover letter

Time to Apply for IT Jobs

Apply at Job Websites

Recruiters or Headhunters and HR Rep

Search for job keywords

Setup job alerts

Apply for Jobs on Company Websites

Getting Help from Friends and Family

Reach Out to Recuiters

LinkedIn Profile

YouTube and Other Social Media

Job Search Tracker

Update your Profile Every Week

Part II – TJ Walker Interview Course

Quick Wins Stand Out With a Video Thank You Note

You Can Accomplish Your Primary Goal – Getting the Job Offer

Here Is Why You Are The Absolute Best Person for This Job

This Is How You Will Stand Out

Here Is What Is Special About You

Developing Your Winning Interview Mindset

Deliver a Career Catapulting Presentation

Your Resume Has Done Its Job, Now It Is Your Turn

This Is The Perfect Time To Be Politically Correct

Please Tell Me About Yourself

You Can Convince The Interviewer You Are The Best Person for the Job

Convince the Interviewer You Are a Self-Learner

The Consulting Freelancing Backdoor Into Your Dream Job

The REAL Reason Job Interviews Take Place

Make The Interview a Two Way Street

Maintaining a Winning Mental State for Job Interviewing

Interviewing Skills With a Positive Mental State

Create Your Winning Message

The 60 Second Winning Interview

Roll Up Our Sleeves And Prepare for The Interview

Let’s Get to Work

The Secrets Are At Your Fingertips

Plan Your Logistics The Right Way

Linkedin Opposition Research

The Basic Facts Are Not Enough

This is How People are Interviewed In Your Industry

Finding the Inside Track

The Perfect Time for Your Job Interview

Advanced TJ Tips

This Won’t Work In Every Situation, But…

Create Value for the Interviewer Right Away

Give An Actual Presentation

Winning Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication

What You Saying Before You Say Anything

Dress for Success and The Job Offer

Jewelry To Enhance Not Detract

Gender Clothing Issues

Makeup is Not a Made Up Issue

The Sweet Smell of Your Success

Walking Into the Interview With Grace

Have The Look

Winning The Voice Competition

Mirror Mirror On the Wall and In the Chair

No, You Can’t Bring a Fidget Spinner

The Picture of Success

You Can Eliminate Your Nerves

Nervousness Can Melt Away

The Real Reason You are Nervous About Your Interviewing Skills

Horrible Practices To Avoid At All Costs

Just Say No

Never Let them see Or Feel You Sweat

Exhale Your Worries Away

Exercise Your Stress Away

Enough With Poor Little Me

Pitching Yourself On a Regular Basis Where the Stakes are Low

Rehearse Your Interviewing Skills Like a Pro

The Ultimate Success Tip for Great Job Interviewing Skills

Winging It Is Always a Bad Idea

The Checklist for Critiquing Your Interview Skills

The Perfect Interviewing Skills Partner for You Is…

Practice On Video This Way

The Magic Practice Number is 10

Now It Is Your Turn

Only Minutes to Go Before Your Interview!

Last Minute Tips Before You Start the Interview

Don’t Get There On time, Get There Early

Lose Your Phone

Hands Free and Clutter Free

The Last Minute Pit Stop

Your Winning Bag of Tricks

Cracked Lips No More

Never Let Your Stomach Betray You

The 30 Minute Drill

Great Way to Not Look Like a Horse or a Cow

Serenity Now!

You Are Now In the Interview

Things To Do In Your Interview

The Interview Starts Right Now

You Are Not Being Called Into the Principal’s Office

Someone Might Be More Nervous Than You

Name and Title Please

Now We Can Dive Right In

Here Is How to Talk Like a Human Being

Clean Laundry Here

If You Are Winning the Debate, You’ve Lost the Debate

Show You Are a Real Person

Be Cool!

Treat Your Interviewer the Way You Want to Be Treated

Abort the Mission If You Need To

The Slick Way To Not Look Too Slick

Keep Focused On the Primary Objective

Not An Exact Fit Here, But…

Your Style, Not the Interviewer’s Style

Confidence Yes, Arrogance No

The Interviewer Must Always Feel In Control of the Show

Answering Questions With Just The Right Amount of Confidence

Bigger and More Important Than You

Don’t Lie! It’s Wrong and You Could Get Caught

It’s Not a Comedy Show, But It Is a Show

Not an Enemy, But Not a Friend

Show Strength Through Flexibility

Prove You Are a Team Player

Communicating With Others Is Your Strength

The World Can Be Your Oyster

Be Fun, But Be Serious

Forget The Canned Answers

The Technology Overlay To Your Professional Life

Here Is How To Answer Questions With Skill

The Real Question Inside Every Question

This Isn’t the Classroom

And…Why Is This Relevant To Me Hiring You

No Stupid Questions But There Are Stupid Answers

More Question Strategies

Your Goal Is to Communicate, Not Necessarily To Be Concise

Here Is Why You Should Hire Me

Pushing All The Right Buttons In Your Answers

Answer Questions In a Likeable Way

Working the Upbeat Angle

Be G-Rated Authentic

All Time Stops When You Are In an Interview

Thinking Is OK In An Interview

Abstraction Is Your Enemy In Job Interviews

Planting Positive Seeds In the Mind of the Interviewer

The Interviewer Wants You To Succeed

Figure Out a Way To Show You Love Technology

This Is Not the Time To Be Modest

Here Are Questions You Had Better Be Prepared For

Tests Are Easy When You Know The Questions In Advance

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job

What Was The Best Job You Ever Had

What Was Your Least Favorite Job Ever

What Are You Looking for In Your Ideal Job

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years

When Did You Work With a Difficult Colleague

What Kind of Team Projects Have You Worked On

Why Should We Hire You Practice Your Interview Skills Now

Notes On Note Taking During Job Interviews

Here Is Why You Should Take Notes During a Job Interview

You Don’t Need High Tech for Note Taking

More reasons To Take Notes During a Job Interview

Why The Interviewer Needs To See You Taking Notes

Good Note Taking Can Reduce Your Stress During the Interview

No, You Can’t Use a Laptop During a Job Interview

Look At the Interviewer, Not Your Notes

Using Your Notes To Your Advantage

Review Your Notes on Notes

Selling Yourself By Asking Smart Questions

Preparing Your Questions Strategically

Questions To Increase Your Odds

Don’t Go Overboard, You Aren’t The Investigative Journalist

Your Tight List of Planned Questions

Your Questions Will Show You’ve Done Homework

The Right Questions Will Demonstrate Your Abilities

Here Is What NOT To Say and Do During a Job Interview

This Won’t Help You

The Real Mistake To Worry About

At This Stage, Resumes Are Boring

No, It’s Not Safe To Talk Religion Or Politics In a Job Interview

Never Put Yourself Down, Other People Are Willing To Do That

You Don’t Get Frustrated

G-Rated Language the Whole Time

Never Ask How Soon Until The Next Promotion

Be Careful About Leveraging Insider Contacts

Avoid Cliches Like the Plague Interviewing Skills

Don’t Get Too Cocky

You Don’t Care How Old or Young Your Boss Is

No Invitations Yet

Your Interviewer Is Not Your Career Coach

Don’t Ask for Gossip Or Dirt

Don’t Repeat Your Questions

Don’t Lie About Previous Salary

Don’t Ask About Work Hours Because You Love To Work All the Time

You Aren’t Personal Friends Yet

Don’t Ask If You Can Work from Home

Hold Off On the Special Circumstances for Now

Your Focus Still Needs to Be On What You DO Want to Say, Not What You Don’t Wan

Things To Do Right As You Are Leaving the Interview

The Last BIG Positive Impression

Get the Interviewer’s Business Card

And In Summary

Establish a Follow Up Plan

Be a Gracious Guest

Your Total Professional Package

Every Touch Point With the Interviewer Must Be Professional

Have a Voicemail That Isn’t Full

Your Voicemail Needs to Say Who You Are

Hand the Interviewer Your Business Card

Have a Simple Email Address

Create The Image You Want for Your Next 2 Jobs

Presents To Leave So You Won’t Be Forgotten

Reminders You Were There

Get Your Portfolio Ready

Professional Certifications Are Available Here

Writing Samples and Other Goodies

References So You Won’t Have To Take My Word for Things

Great References Can Make All the Difference

References The Right Way

Make It Easy To Get Ahold Of Your References

Great Communication With Your References

Reference Timing

A Few Resume Tips

Resumes Are Not All the Same

Update Your Resume Every 30 Days

Filling The Resume Gap

Your Winning Social Media Strategy

Your Social Media Reputation

Your Google Reputation

The Right Way and The Wrong Way to Approach People on Social Media

Quality Beats Quantity Every Time

Social Media Is For Everyone These Days

Take These Steps Right After the Interview

The Gold Standard – The Handwritten Thank You Note

The Right Way to Send an Email Thank You Note

Email Versus Text Thank You Notes

Power Thank You Notes Based On Your Interview Notes

Remain Calm, Things Might Turn Your Way

Follow Up and Deliver Anything Else You Delivered During the Interview

The Follow Up Dance

Keep Your Recruiter In the Loop

Don’t Panic During a Stall

Nip It In the Bud

Delicate Issues To Tiptoe Around

Tread Lightly Here

Making the Case You Aren’t a Flake

Don’t Bring Up Negative News Coverage

Don’t Let Negative Reactions To Negative News Sink You

Calming Your Interviewer Down

Don’t Interrupt!

Get a Clue!

Not Too Brash and Not Too Meek

A Gap Too Big To Ignore

If Somebody Else Fired You…

Here Is Why You Are NOT a Flaky Person

Interviewing Skills for Skype and Telephone Interviews

The Next Best Thing To Being There

Phone Interviews Are Still Serious Job Interviews

Never Use a Speakerphone!

The Spontaneous Phone Interview Request

A Controlled Environment for Your Video Interviews

The Standing Phone Interview

The Live Online Video Interview for You

You Simple, Low-Cost Skype Interview Studio

Makeup for Skype Video Interviews

A Controlled Environment for Your Phone Interviews

Ideally, Your Glasses Won’t Dominate the Screen

Interview Skills Needed for Special Situations

Out of the Ordinary Interviews

Remember, Your Mission Has Not Changed

The Group Interview

Interviews In Other Cities

Job Fair Opportunities

Panel Interviews

Behavioral Interviews

Sequential Interviews

Job Interviews Over a Meal

The Recorded Video Interview

Case Study Interviews

Obnoxious Questions

Tests and Projects

Summer Jobs, Part-Time Jobs

Interviewing for A Job With Your Existing Company

Congratulations! You’ve received a Job Offer!

Here is How to Handle Good News

Get It In Writing

Sometimes You Get a Better Offer

Share The Good News Quickly

Negotiating Your Best Salary

Show Me the Money!

This Is How Much Money You Want

Your Response To Their First Offer

What To Say About Salary

The Budget Range

It’s About More Than Money

Know Your Priorities

Added Value

There Will Never Be a Better Time To Get a pay Increase Than Right Now

You Didn’t Get The Job Offer This Time

Nobody Gets Every Job Offer

Don’t Ask Why

Sometimes You Just Know

It’s Really Not You

OK, It Was You

Focus On Building Your Long Term Reputation

Advanced Storytelling Techniques for Job Interviews

Your Accomplishments Will Be Remembered Thanks to Great Storytelling

Tell Me About a Time…

The Elements of Storytelling

10 Assembling the Basic Build Blocks of Your Stories

The Real Reason We Are Telling These Stories Is…

Even Deeper Character Development

You Can Be the Star of Your Own Show

Here is Where All the Action Takes Place

Why Nobody Wants to Hear About Your Happy Family

Dialogue will Bring Your Stories to Life

Sharing Feelings IS Professional

Lights! Action! (And no Camera)

Put the Audience On Their Edge of Their Seats

It’s OK Not to Love Storytelling


End with a Bang!

Tie Your Message to Your Story

Extra Ingredients for A Spicy Story

And Now, Here Is Your Story

Double The Number of Job Interviews You Get

Time To Get More Job Interviews

Pros and Cons of Online Job Sites

Your Referral Pipeline

The Radical Notion of Following Up

Find Recruiters In Your Industry

Social Media Referrals

Leveraging The Insider’s Network To Your Advantage

Connect At the Top

Broader Interviewing Skills Concepts

The Bigger Picture

Learn from Every Single Interview

If You do Get Advice From An Interviewer, Take It

Don’t Be Concise. Be Fantastic.

Guard Against Burnout

You Have More Power If You Have An Existing Job

Take a Stretch Interview

The Best Place to Practice Is Still In Front of a Video Camera

There Is No Such Thing As a Perfect Job

More Common and Uncommon Questions

Getting Ready for Even More Questions

What Is Your Biggest Weakness

What Is the Biggest Mistake You Have ever Made

What Is the Toughest Question You Fear Being Asked

Who Are Our Competitors

What Kind of a Tree Would You Be

Why do You Want to Leave Your Current Position

What Is Your Ideal Work Environment

What Would Your Previous Co-workers Say About You

Why Are You The Very Best Person for This Job

Would You Fit In Here With Our Corporate Culture

What Is Your Favorite Book

Take a Look At the Long List of Other Questions Posted Here In the Resource Sec

Conclusion – You Are Ready for Any Job Interview

There Is Still A Chance for You To Ask Any Questions

This Is How You Upgrade This Course

Here Is How You Can Get your Certificate of Completion for this Course

You Are Ready for Any and Every Interview. Congratulations!

More advanced tips to help you with remote job interviews

Quick Win! Here is How to Look Your Best in Front of a Video Camera

Setting the meeting objective — a critical factor to success

Coronavirus Update and Impact on Video Conferencing

Learn How Video Conference Meetings Are the Same & Different From Other Meetings

Online Video Conferencing Is Just One More Simple Tool for Communicating

You Must Learn How Your Platform Works BEFORE The Conference Starts

Learning the Different Platforms

How To Start A Zoom Meeting

How To JOIN A Meeting on ZOOM

How To Schedule A Zoom Meeting

How To Share Your Screen In Zoom

How To Use The Additional Features in Zoom

How To Set Up A Virtual BAckground In Zoom

The Favorite Thing I Like About Zoom

How To START UP Web Ex

How To Start or Join A Meeting On Web Ex

How To Connect To A Web Ex Enabled Device

How To Configure Settings And Preferences In Web Ex


How To Start A New CHAT In Skype

How To Use The Chat FUNCTIONS In Skype

How To Make International, Mobile and Landline Calls and Buy Skype Credits

How To Use The Meet Now Function of Skype

Where To Configure Your Settings In Skype

Do NOT Hide Behind Slides – Show Your Face on the Video Meeting

Never Be Nervous Again on Camera

Follow These Tips To Look Your Very Best on Camera for Your Next Meeting

This Is Why You Should NOT Use Teleprompters or Read Scripts

This Is What You Should Wear for a Video Conference

Create the best lighting and angle for your video presence

The Biggest Distraction Can Be…

Solutions for Your Backdrop

What Is the Best Video Camera to Use for Online Meetings?

Microphones to the Rescue

Speakers, Headphones, Earpieces and More

Use the Best Possible Internet Connection Possible

Don’t Talk about the Technology, Just Use the Technology

Fundamentals of Effective Online Presentations

Tips for Using Visuals In Online Meetings

What If I am Not Hosting the Online Meeting But Might Have to Speak?

What Should My last Minute Checklist Include?

How Long Should a Video Meeting Last?

How do I Fix Problems with My Voice on a Video Conference?

Should You Memorize Your Online Presentation?

What If You Hate the Sound of Your Own Voice?

How Do You Reduce Background Noise?

What Else Can I do to Reduce Distractions During a Video Conference Meeting?

This Is What You Must Do If You Really Want to Pass With Flying Colors

One last Chance to Get Your Questions and Suggestions Responded To

Congrats! You Are Now Prepared to Communicate Effectively in Online Meetings

Enroll for Free

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The post The Complete IT Job Search Course – Land Your Dream IT Job appeared first on StudyBullet.
