#Process Design and Development

An Introduction to Process Thinking

What you will learn

Introduce Process Thinking, Design, and Development

Introduce Process Ecosystem and understand the Process Lifecycle

Introduce Business Process Architecture and build skill

Understand the basic anatomy of process

Introduce how organization structure gets imposed onto the process and build skill

Introduce the adapted SIPOC Diagram. Practice developing a SIPOC diagram

Introduce Process Standards, Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Practical Application Activity Brings the Concepts and Skills Together


The context for this online course is based on the fact that less than 2% of companies that go on a quality journey actually achieved World Class levels of performance (reference ASQ Discoveries Study 2016). There might be many reasons why that is the case.

In my experience, companies introduce LEAN in the practice of continuous improvement. This makes sense because wherever it is that employees work, they use the processes within the organization and those processes are riddled with waste. At the same time, there is a science to the design and development of process which includes defining process standards. In addition to that, there is a practice of Quality Control (QC) that happens at the point of work within the operations that is based on process standards. In addition to that is the practice of Quality Assurance (QA) and risk mitigation on the process. Both QC and QA rely on process standards and are different from the practice of continuous process improvement. There is technical skill to be developed in all four of these areas and each is needed to achieve World Class levels of performance.

In my view, the technical side to process design and development is underemphasized in the practice today.  In this online course, I would like to introduce you to some building blocks and basic language for process thinking, process design and development. There is a language, a LEAN Logos if you like, and structure to process thinking that can help us to discuss, articulate, standardize and visualize the work that we do.

So, whether you are a Lean Sigma belt practitioner, a business analyst, or a manager responsible for processes in your organization, this course introduces you to what you need to know about process and gets you started with basic tools that you can begin to apply in your own practice.



Instructor Welcome and Introductions
Instructor Welcome Video
Process Design and Development: Introduction to Process Thinking
Lecture1: Introduction Slides PDF
Module1: The Process Lifecycle and Process Visualization Tools
Module 2: Process Anatomy and Physiology
Module 3: Business Process Architecture
Module 3 : Business Process Architecture Exercises
Module 4: The Elements of Process Anatomy
Module 5: How Organization Structure is Imposed Onto the Process
Module 5 Continued:Exercises
Module 6: Process Thinking Using the Adapted SIPOC Diagram
Module 7: Introducing Process Standards
Module 8: Practical Application Activity
Lecture 11: Closing Thoughts

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