#Contemporary Approach to Astrology – Certification

Financial Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Tropical Astrology, Astro-Cartography, Political Astrology, Chinese, Numerology +

What you will learn

Contemporary Approach to Astrology – A Neo Approach to Astrology using both Astrological Systems

Current Daily/Weekly or Monthly Transits in both Zodiac Systems

Astrologer’s Oath

Astrology & Politics – Understanding the Rise & Fall of Political Figures

Financial Astrology – US Stockmarket Airbnb & Cannabis IPO Examples

Financial Astrology – NYSE Natal Chart & Black Mondays: 1929, 1987, 2015 & 2020

Financial Astrology – US Stockmarket Commodities Examples: Cotton IPO since 1870 with transits through 2025

Financial Astrology GBTC (2 charts) – Greyscale Bitcoin Trust Fund 2015-2022

USA’s Natal Charts, Transits with Eclipses, Progressed Chart & Solar Arc 2021-2025

Astro-cartography – With Examples

Britney Spears Astro-Cartography – BONUS!

Deep Meanings of each House

Deep Meaning of each Planet

Critical Degrees & Theories

Exalted & Debilitated Planets in Different Signs

The Art of Predicting – Detailed Steps to Follow

Types of Astrological Systems I Teach in this Course

Understanding Numerology Life Paths – I am a life path 1

Understanding Chinese Astrology & Elements – I am a Dog/Water

Understanding Progressed Charts & Examples

Sidereal & Divisional Charts Meanings

Financial Astrology US Stockmarket – Southwestern Airlines

Political Astrology – Andrew Yang

Political Astrology – Kamala Harris

Political Astrology – Donald Trump (Does not reflect my strong political views or my Pluto in Libra)

Maturity Age of Planets – Sidereal, Also Applies to Western

Vimshottari Dasha – Mahadasha – Antardashas in Sidereal Astrology

Learning & Practice Assignments to Ensure Your Level of Comprehension

Official Zaftyg Certification – Contemporary Approach to Astrology (Minimum 80% Course Completion)

Includes A Downloadable PDF Ebook – Author Heather E. Rodriguez-Udy

Receive a your Personalized PDF Transits for the Next 24 months (Minimum 80% Course Completion)

Extensive Details Yogas in Vedic Natal Charts

Business Astrology Facebook – META 10/28/21 NEW!

UDMY – Stockmarket Astrology for Udemy! 10/29/21 NEW!

Good Value For Your Money


This course is different in it’s approach to astrology, as a research astrologer I like to take into consideration all of the natal charts, progressions, sidereal, nakshatras, divisional charts available to give the best advice or to make major decisions. I use multiple techniques and methods from both the tropical and sidereal systems. This course is intended for those that are open to alternative types of astrology. This is a NEO Astrology approach and involves multiple layers, techniques and uses for different astrological systems from health to financial to astro-cartography and more. If you’re looking for mainstream astrology – this course is not it. This is a deep dive course and a compilation of all of my research over the last 25 years.


I have never knew a person that walked into astrology without asking bigger questions. With astrology we can see many things. It’s a general rule of thumb not to predict death or diagnose. Unless otherwise a licensed and qualified professional. When in doubt, seek professional help if needed. And they do exists!

I have used astrology to understand many things in my own life from mental illness (genetic), to incurable diseases such as cancer, and use it on a regular basis in my daily life for the Stockmarket (Disclaimer* not a financial advisor), for choosing auspicious days to have surgery or signs contracts and buying my lotto tickets. I’ve enjoyed traveling and documenting both my husband’s and I’s experience with Astro-Cartography in at least 22+ countries. I have been conducting private research on mental illness. It is my hope one day that we might just use astrology to help diagnosis someone early before a terminal stage of cancer. Like myself, I was diagnosed with metatastic ovarian cancer at only 28 around my Saturn return in the first house. No, that one statement does not mean you’ll get cancer.*** I still believe western medicine and experienced surgeons help save my life. With the help of alternative healing such as Reiki and Astrology to plan ahead for health reasons. With Pluto about to arrive in the air sign of Aquarius, many astrologers sense a wave of Uranus also bring in the future.


In this course I share my thoughts on Airbnb IPO from December 2020 and it’s future on the Stockmarket. Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Newly added UDMY’s Ipo & Facebook’s name change to Meta. This course has an overview of my top picks for Cannabis IPOs on the NYSE and examples for NYSE natal and more. But this course, this course is probably suited for those that are willing to take a sit in the driver’s seat of their own life. Those that want to understand astrology to apply it to their daily lives and use what they learn from this course to help live in the moment in their own lives. For those that want to take an active part in understanding what their life holds. Everyone has a god given talent, you’ll find it in the navamsa chart in sidereal – 6th house. Whatever that is, that is your god given talent and you will do well regardless.


This is not mainstream typical astrological meanings, these are very on the nose and direct meanings. Either you’ll have to get away from the mainstream definitions a bit and evil (progressed charts!!) and/or ideally don’t know much but are eager to learn a bit of research from many perspectives.

Would love to hear back from my students with questions, as I may need to further explain something and add another video to specific areas.


I will answer questions for all of my students that relate to this course and at the end of this 85+ lecture course about your own charts. That’s 11+ course of course material to study!


– You’ll receive an official certificate of completion and recognition in “Contemporary Approach to Astrology”. Please message me when you’re finished with your course or have completed 80% of this course.

– In addition, I’m gifting all my students a PDF with your yearly personalized transits for up to 24 months based on your current residential location, please message for this after you’re finished with you course or please ensure you’ve completed at least 80% of the course.

– We’re open to partnerships and mentorships.


I am also the author of the ‘For the Curious Astrology basics’ E-Book, which is included in this course along with other course materials. At the moment this course has 85+ lectures, note that I will be adding more soon. that you can download and reference back to at anytime. I am the founder and editor at Zaftyg Magazine, an online progressive brand. You can find additional reading on a weekly basis. As always, ask questions. I’ll do my best to respond with 24 hours or less!


¡Se habla español! ¡Podría ser, que tendre que recrear este curso en español!


Ms. Rodriguez-Udy

P.S. You may join your fellow students in our FB group under Zaftyg for astrological conversations.


What qualifies me to teach this course?

– Over 25 years of astrological research and study – Western & Sidereal systems: Evolutionary, Hora, Gann, Jyotish, Nadi Astrology, Political Astrology, Financial & Business Astrology and Astro-Cartography

– Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapist

– Certified Life Coach

– Harvard Certification

– Reiki Master & Teacher (Crystal Reiki & Animal Reiki included)

– Certified Hypnotherapist

– Traveled the World (22+ countries) as Apart of my Research in Astro-Cartography

– Founder and Editor at Zaftyg Magazine

– Connect with me on Linkedin



Contemporary Approach to Astrology – Introduction
Birth Rectification
The Astrologer’s Oath
Types of Astrological Systems
Understanding The Spiritual & Occultism of Astrology as Guidance
The dark sides of each sign
Jyotish Vedic Astrology
Billionaire – Most common signs
Additional Course Material – Ascendants
Astrology Definitions
Understanding why the ascendant is so import
Your Chart Ruler
Additional Course Material – The Elements
Meanings of Houses
1st House
2nd House
3rd House
4th House
5th House
6th House
7th House
8th House
9th House
10th House
11th House
12th House
Planets Meanings
Planets Meanings
The Planets in Depth
Days of the Week
Days of the Week
Steps to reading – Nakshatras & Divisional Charts
Steps to reading (Part 1)
Steps to reading (Part 2)
Exalted & Debilitated Planets
Exalted & Debilitated Planets
Astrology Aspect Examples
How to Predict
How to Predict
Additional Course Material – Complexity of the Signs
Additional Course Material – Gemstones & Crystals
Additional Course Material – Marriage & Traditional Astrology
Wealth Producing Nakshatras
Wealth Producing Nakshatras
27 Nakshatras
Sidereal – Kaal Sarpa Dosha
Kaal Sarpa Dosha
Finance Astrology
The 3 Outer Planets, Rahu, and Ketu
Houses for Money
Houses for Business & Finance
AirBNB Stock Analysis (Part 1)
AirBNB Stock Analysis (Part 2)
AirBNB Stock Analysis (Part 3)
Bonus Lecture
Chinese Astrology
Understanding Chinese Astrology
Numerology Life Path Number
Numerology Life Path Number
Additional Course Material Reading on Spirituality
Understanding the souls mission – karmic lessons explained
Understanding What Progressed Charts Mean
Progressed Charts Example 1
Progressed Chart Example 2
Branches of Vedic Astrology
Branches of Vedic Astrology
Sidereal Examples Natal Chart
Sidereal Natal Chart Example with Mahadasha Time Transits

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