#Anger Management for Christians

How to handle anger in a godly way

What you will learn

How to handle anger in a godly way


Getting violently angry has always been part of me and I was really not doing anything about it until I got married. My angry reactions to issues sometimes become extremely violent and after displaying the act for a few minutes, I usually began to wonder what got over me and most times I don’t always feel good about myself.

When I noticed how destructive this act can become, I wanted a solution which I got following a simple guide which I have shown in this do-it-yourself short Christian classes.

I learned to tame these sinful angry reactions to issues and I believe you too can learn to do this. Violent or sinful anger can destroy what you have painstakingly built over the years and smashed them to the floor in a few minutes.

You need to take this course. It contains short stories, simple diagrams and simple steps I dedicatedly began to carry out until I began to record consistent victories over it.

The following are some of the things you will learn in this course:

  • Understand the difference between anger and violent anger
  • Understand whether anger is a sin or not
  • Learn how to deal with violent anger in a Godly way
  • Learn to keep your emotions under the control of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God
  • See how violent anger and hot temper nearly crushed my marriage
  • Learn to stop anger from destroying your relationship with God and men
  • And more…

Enroll in this course today.



Background Information
Introduction: Meet Me Before Now
How Violent Anger Nearly Crushed My Marriage
Violent Confessions Therapy
The Sinful Anger
Is Anger a Sin?
Scriptural Therapy
The Destructive Nature of Violent Anger
How Anger Destroys (Part 1)
How Anger Destroys (Part 2)
Experiment Time
The Seed-Fruit Diagram
How I Practically Overcame Anger
Practical Things I Did to Overcome Violent Anger (Part 1)
Practical Things I Did to Overcome Violent Anger (Part 2)
Content Summary
Let’s Do a Recap (Part 1)
Let’s Do a Recap (Part 2)

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