#The Complete Mindfulness Course – Enjoy Life In the Present

Mindfulness Can Be Achieved – Stress Management – Meditation – Yoga – and SelfieSpeak Programming – Live In The Present

What you will learn



Thinking Clearly

Attention Control

Stress Management



The Complete Mindfulness Course – Enjoy Life In the Present

Do you want to be able to enjoy the present more? Would you like to achieve a state of mindfulness on a regular basis instead of constantly fretting over the past of the future? Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you his innovative techniques on how to use simple cell phone technology to achieve mindfulness on a regular basis. This course is unlike any other course on mindfulness. This course is especially helpful for anyone who is easily distracted, checks email too much, has an obsession with social media or doesn’t have perfect self-control.

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

“it’s a really great thing I being learned. A topic like exotic put in my head” Duong Dinh Hoa

“Practical, right to the point, no foss”  Marcel Villeneuve

“It’s a wonderful course, I recommend 100%.” Iyanuoluwa Olatunbosun

“The whole content until the first half is far above expectations.” Michael Kirchberger

“So far audio quality is good. Presentation made by speaker also is crisp and short” Shankar

“that was fantastic, this is so much relaxing” Zain

If you are ready to start getting more mindful moments out of life on a daily basis, then please sign up for this mindfulness course now!

This Mindfulness course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: NLP – self love – NLP – beginner level – personal growth mastery – life skills – wealth – mental strength – goal setting for a successful life. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: personal development – life coach training – goal setting.



You Can Live a Live Full of Mindfulness
You Can Live a Fulfilled Life In the Moment
Quick Win! This Trick Can Make Your Next Party the Best Ever
If You are In an Incredible Hurry and Want a shortcut for the Whole Course
Grab Your Own Attention
Please Say Hello and Join Us Here Now
Mindfullness Is About You Focusing on the Present In a Relaxed State
Why It Is So Much Harder to Be Mindful In the 2020s
This Course Is Unlike Any Other Mindfulness Course You Will Ever Encounter
The First Step In De-Programming Your Negative Thinking
Why You Should Try Yoga and Meditation
The Modern Attention Economy Wants to Eat Your Brain
You Must Embrace Shutdown Time if You Want Mindfulness
Mindfulness Can Be As Simple As a Walk In the Park
Course Update! Live Instructor Office Hours are Now Available
Identifying the Problems Keeping You from Mindfulness
Do You Know What Is Keeping You From Being Mindful
The Easy Alternative to Yoga, The SelfieSpeak Audio Programming
Cell Phone Addiction Is Destroying Mindfulness and Relationships
Get Ready to Meditate, Even If You’ve Never Tried Before
Here is a Simple Way to Do Meditation
Play Sports, But Not Watching Sports, The Way to Mindfulness
Develop a Mindful Approach to Your Cell Phone
You Can Use Technology To Protect Yourself from Technolgoy Destroying Your Min
Get Ready to Control Your Own Brain
Here Is How I Program My Mind to Be Mindful (this video needs to be fully pro
Your Turn To Create Your Own Mindfulness SelfieSpeak Audio
Creating Mindfulness for Every Sphere of Your Life
Start Your Day in True Mindfulness
News and Nonsense Addiction Is Destroying Your Mindfulness
Your Stuff Is Taking Over Your House and Your Mind
Mindless Eating Causes More Problems than An Expanded Waistline
Integrating a Mindfulness Approach To Every Aspect of Life
It’s easier to Practice Mindfulness When You Are Healthy, Rested and in No pain
If the Body Is In Pain, the Mind Shuts Down
Ditch Your Alarm Clock to Save Your Brain
Moving Your Body Toward Mindfulness
You Can’t Be Mindful If You Are Living someone Else’s Vision of Your L
You Must Live Your Own Life
The Power of Now Only Works With the Power of No
Becoming Mindful Of How Your Spend Your Day
Becoming Mindful Of Your Purpose in Life
More Mindfulness Exercises
Here Is What You Never Noticed About Your Favorite Painting
The Cell Phone Collection Plate
Seriously, It’s Time for You to go for a Walk
Honing the Power of Sustained Focus
Try Yoga At Least Once in Your Life
The Social Media Diet to Maximize Mindfulness
You Are Now More Mindfull
The Next Step In Your Mindfulness Journey
Transform Your Life to Improve Yourself and the World
Quick Win Make an Ad for Yourself
Another Quick Win Create Something
Determine Your Highest Potential
This Is the Best Time To Be a Human on Planet Earth!
Here Is What Happens When You Criticize
The 3 Keys to Success in Your Personal Transformation
Creators Are a Part of the Createocracy
A Modern Update for the Self-Help Movement
Creating Your Ideal Person
Take Back Control of Your Own Autonomy
You Can Create Your Own Legacy
Why Self-help Books and Programs Are Losing the competition for Your Brain
The Secret Sauce Successful People Rarely Share With You
Personal Development Must be Simple and Easy In Order to Work
You Are Important
You Are a Creative Force in the Universe
Failure Fuels Growth
You have a Purpose In Life
You Can Join the Creative Elite of the World
Creative Joy Can Drive Your Life
The Solution to Overabundance in Your Life
Solving the Problem of Overabundance
Time to Find Specific Solutions for You
Creativity Is a Habit, Not a Lottery Ticket
A New 10 Commandments
Becoming a Mindful Consumer
Create Your SelfieSpeak Audio Now
Joining the Creative Class
You Are Massively Creative
The Best Way to Be Special is…
You Were born with the Desire to Create
Find the Central Organizing Principle of Your Life
You Can Be a Creator In Any Field
Make the Most of Your 112 Hours
Practice Programming Yourself Now
SelfieSpeak Audio You Are Creative
Transforming Your Life One New Daily Habit at a Time
Life Is the Sum of Your Daily Habits
Breakthroughs Come From Daily Mundane Work
The SelfieSpeak Audio Solution
Creating Your own Audios Is Always Better
Your Daily Habits SelfieSpeak Audio
Unleashing Your Creative Forces
This is Creativity
If You Learn to Type, You Can Learn to Create
Developing the Creative Outlook
Turning Thoughts Into Creations
Your Creations Are a Net Positive to the World
You Can Be Creative or Conventional In Every Single Field
Who Are Your Top 5 Creators of All Time
Creativity Is An Outlook That Will Cover Every Inch of Your Life
Identify Your Creative Passion and Talents
Identifying Your Creative Dreams
Don’t Be a Positive Thinker All the Time
Don’t Just Follow Your Passion
Your Own Voice Is The Perfect Tool for Personal Transformation
The Easiest Way to Rewire Your Brain
Passive Brainwashing for You
Don’t Over-complicate This Make the Simplest Audio Production Ever
Shutting Down The # 1 Source of Brain Pollution
The Source of Your Pollution
A News Junkie is still a Junkie
Your Perfect Media Diet
Best Email Practices
Cell Phone Hygiene
Block, Tackle, Turn Off
Schedule Your Cell Phone Time for maximum Productivity and Happiness
SelfieSpeak Audio to Gain Control of Your Cell Phone
Stop Drowning in Stuff
The Overabundance of Stuff is Crowding Out Thought
Kondo Is One Important Piece of the Puzzle
Easiest solution Don’t Buy Junk in the First Place
Exceptions to the No Clutter Rule – Probably Not You
Throw Stuff Away To Clear Your Thoughts
Get Ready for Your Selfie Speak Audio
You Control Your Possessions Don’t Show My Face
End the Overabundance of Food that Is Killing You…
The Third Big Overabundance
It Is OK to Be Hungry Occasionally
Everything You Need to know About Eating
Don’t Worry about How You Look to Others But How Your Body Feels to You
Most of Us Have to fight the Battle of the Bulge
Stop looking for the magic Bullet, Pill or Potion
There are No Obese 95 Year Olds
Gimmicks Don’t Work in the Long-run
It’s hard to Create or Transform If You Are Stuffing Your Face all Day Long
There is No Sugar-Coating it, Everything Is covered with Sugar These Days
You Need a Way to Eat in the Real World
Yes Fad Diets Will Work In the Short-term
Eating with Mindfulness Is the Answer
Water Is the Go-To Beverage
Name Your Weight
Eat Until Full and Stuffed, Or Satisfied
Plan for Big Temptations With a Healthy Snack
Vitamins or Not
Weigh Yourself Daily
Get Ready for Your Own SelfieSpeak Audio for Your Own Food Consumption
Eat to Live SelfieSpeak Audio
Creating Time to Think for Yourself
The Magic of Solitude
The Magic of Constant, Focused Thought
Turn On Solitude with the OFF Button
Meditation Is Popular for a Reason
It Is Difficult to Do Nothing
Walk Your Way to Success
Solitude Used to Be Easy, Now it is Hard
Get Ready to Create Your Solitude habits
Your SelfieSpeak Solitude Programming
Deep Work In Your Laboratory
Daily Deep Work Is Essential for Creative Success
Program Yourself to do Deep Work Daily
Deep Work SelfieSpeak Programming
Sourcing Your New Ideas
Sources for Your Creative ideas
New Experiences for New Ideas
Three new Things You Are Willing to Try
High Standards for What You Consume
Learn In Your Own Style
Master Creators are Master Self-Learners
To Break Conventions You Must Know the Conventional Wisdom
Get Ready to Make Your Own SelfieSpeak Programming for Idea Sourcing
New Ideas SelfieSpeak Programming
Learning to Think for Yourself
Creation Through Questioning the Status Quo
Seek Out Informed Criticism Everywhere
Facts Matter
Get Ready to Make or Consume Your SelfieSpeak Programming on Thinking
Think for Yourself SelfieSpeaking Programming
Top Personal Health for Top Personal Productivity
Pain Free Creation
Proactive Eating Habits
Recharging the Batteries for Maximum Performance
There Is Always Time for Exercise
Ready to Smile at Your Premier
Don’t Drown in the Sea of Bad Health Advice
Prepare for Your Health SelfieSpeak Programming
Your SelfieSpeak Health Programming
Manage Your Time for Maximum Creativity
Setting Up Your Daily Habits for Success
Create Strong Daily Habits By Reminding Yourself Daily, Forever
Design Your Own Lifestyle
Never Multitask
Occasional Reading of Best practice Tips Doesn’t Work
Experimenting With Your Creations
Create What You Want to Create
What Do You Most Enjoy
Great Creators Fail Early and Often
Pick something to Create
Creating Just for Fun
Creating Fun for You
Share Your Fun Creations
Creative Energy Needs to Permeate Every Inch of Your Life
Creating Quality Leisure Time Is Not a Luxury
Quality Leisure Time Is Essential for Quality Professional Creativity
. Be Like Teddy Roosevelt
It Is Time to Ship!
Ship Your Creation Now
This Is As Important As Your Great Creation
Nobody Will Know or Care About Your Creation If you don’t Tell Them About It
There Is No Such Thing As a Natural Born Speaker
Lot’s of Extra Public Speaking Training Videos in the Bonus section
Get Your Audience to Do This One Thing
Brainstorm Your Top 5 Messages
Illustrate Every Idea Like This
Make Sure Your Visuals Help Your Case and Don’t Bore the Audience
The Perfect Speaking Road Map Just for You
Time to Record Yourself Speaking About Your Creations
Test Your Presentation on Other People
Great Creators Use Every Speech to Make their Next Speech a Little Better
Create More Without worry About last Month’s Rent
Getting Your Financial House in Order
Hyped Up for a Get Rich Slow Scheme
Creators Never Want to or Need to Retire
Don’t Let Debt Sap Your Creative Energies and Time
Great Creators Leave a Lasting Financial Legacy
Summary of What All Other Self Development Experts Advoc…
Here is a Quick Summary of What All Other Self Development Leaders Advocate
The Simple Steps to Your Success
Don’t Over-complicate The Steps to Your Success
Get Ready to Create Your Own SelfieSpeak Programming to Make Your Success
SelfieSpeak Programming for Success
Simple Tech Steps In Creating Your Own SelfieSpeak Program
No Problem If You Hate Technology
Simple Solutions to Common Problems When Making Your Audios
Nobody Likes the Sound of their Own Voice clean audio
Improving Every Single SelfieSpeak Audio
Get Meaningful Feedback to Improve Your Creations
Fail and Learn
You Are Missing the Most Important feedback
Figure Out What Sticks
Associate With Other Creators
Creators Get Energy and Inspiration from Other Creators
You Must find Other Creators to Spend time and Share Ideas With
Other Ways of Spending Time with Creators
Guru You
Time for You to Become Your Own Guru
Your SelfieSpeak Audios Must Evolve Constantly
Revise, edit, Delete, Recreate Your Selfiespeak Audios
Congratulations! You Are Now On Your Way to Becoming a Lifelong Creator
You Will Leave a Legacy As a Lifelong Creator

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