#How to become a Journalist

Learn various techniques and strategies

What you will learn

☑ Differentiate between Mass Communication and Journalism

☑ Explain the key characteristics of different types of media

☑ Explain the meaning of beat reporting

☑ Understand the roles and duties of a journalist

☑ Illustrate key steps in Journalism

☑ Select topics prudently

☑ Apply PESTLE technique

☑ Gather information

☑ Explain 5Ws and 2Hs

☑ Develop interviewing skills

☑ Write news articles, feature articles, editorials and opinion pieces

☑ Optimise content for Internet


One of the fastest growing sectors in the industry is Journalism and Mass communication. As the saying goes ‘The Pen is mightier than the Sword’, a journalist can influence a massive audience with his thoughts thereby helping the public to see the reality of the country. One of the most important reasons why a person should pursue this course is that it will satisfy the soul of a creative person. This course opens the doors of various fields where you can select the perfect one for you.

Here we will start from the basics and then build on to the advanced topics. At the end of the course, you would see yourself in a much better position. This will help if you want to work for a big brand or want to create your own brand in journalism.

Course Structure:

Section 1. Introduction

Meaning of Mass Communication and Journalism

Types of Media

Beat reporting

Roles and Duties of a Journalist

Section 2: Key steps and Common forms in Journalism

Key steps


Section 3: Select your topic

Select your topic

Section 4: Gathering information

How Do Journalists Gather information

5Ws and 2Hs

Section 5: Interviews

Key steps in an Interview

Types of questions

Telephonic interview

Email interview

Section 6: Writing

Inverted Pyramid

News articles

Feature Article

Editorials, Columns and Opinion pieces

How to optimize writing for the Internet?

Section 7: Publish




Section 8: Journalism Aids





Meaning of Mass Communication and Journalism

Types of Media

Beat Reporting

Roles and Duties of a Journalist

Key steps and Common forms in Journalism

Key steps

Common forms

Select your Topic

Select your Topic

Gathering information

How do Journalists gather information

5Ws and 2Hs


Key steps

Types of Questions

Telephone Interviews

Email Interviews


Inverted Pyramid

News articles

Feature articles

Editorials, Columns and Opinions

Creative writing techniques

How to optimize writing for the Internet?


How Newspapers are made?

Newsroom – Sample


Journalism Aids

Using smartphone effectively for Journalism

Tips for Videos

Tips for Photos

Making presentations

Video Editing

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