#Growth Hacking & Viral Marketing: #1 Strategy Growth Hacking

Viral Marketing for Growth Hacking! Proven Viral Marketing Secrets from a Growth Hacking Guru & MBA | Viral Growth Now!

What you will learn

☑ Growth Hacking

☑ Growth Marketing

☑ Growth Hacking Strategy

☑ Marketing

☑ Marketing Strategy


Do you want to grow extremely quickly without a lot of money? Do you wish your marketing investments produced exponential growth instead of petty marginal gains? Do you feel there are better ways to grow than just copying competitors? Are you looking for HUGE wins and EXPLOSIVE growth hacking? This the course for you: the definitive guide to growth hacking!

This course is for truly ambitious entrepreneurs, marketers, and product managers who want to drive real IMPACT. This is NOT for people who want to hide in the corner of the office just to collect a paycheck. This is NOT for people looking for predictable marketing methods that everyone else is using. This course is for the bold movers and shakers on Udemy–the truth growth hacking aspirants.

This is not your typical growth marketing course focused on tiny optimization techniques. This isn’t just about easy-to-measure tweaks and A/B testing. This is  about serious growth hacking that’s a combination of creativity, fundamental principles, strategy, data, and bold decisions.

Learn the growth hacking secrets of a veteran Silicon Valley marketer with a top-tier U.S. MBA and Fortune 100 marketing experience.

Some of the key things you’ll walk away with:

  • How to get tons of users and paying customers quickly without spending a lot of cash, using growth hacking principles
  • Specific growth hacking methods that worked for me in doubling monthly recurring revenue in just a few months, acquiring users for cents (not dollars), and how I got 30,000,000 views for FREE
  • Links to over 50 successful growth hacking case studies
  • How to exploit opportunities that your competitors are ignoring
  • The high-level principles to evaluate and apply to all growth hacks

Key growth hacking topics:

  1. Easy hacks for customer acquisition, user acquisition, and lead generation
  2. Fundamentals of growth hacking
  3. Word of mouth marketing
  4. How to seed network effects & 2-sided markets
  5. Product led growth
  6. Marketing psychology
  7. High-level growth strategy

My hands-on marketing experience includes:

  • Startups of all sizes ranging from bootstrapped to Series-D
  • A Google venture-backed startup
  • A Google accelerator startup
  • Sony PlayStation

Let’s get hacking!




Growth Hacking Introduction & Key Concepts

The 3 Principles of Growth Hacking

Supply & Demand Growth Hacking

Economies of Scale or Leverage

Marketing Psychology

Growth Hacking Mistakes

Look for Big Opportunities, Not just Problems

50+ Growth Hacking Cases Studies (Including Tinder, Freshly, Harry’s, etc.)!

Easy Approaches to Acquisition & Lead Generation

Pay People to Talk to Sales

Lead Generation Is Easy

Enter Low Supply Channels

Market Your Offer Instead of Your Product

Word of Mouth

Introduction & the 3 Types of Word of Mouth

3 Types of WOM

3 Drivers of Word of Mouth

Major Word of Mouth Drivers

Tips to Generate Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth Worksheet

Canva Word of Mouth Case Study

Viral Content

STEPPS viral framework

Viral World of Mouth in the Book Industry

Beard Bib Example – Virality

Key Influencers

Key Influencers – Part 1

Key Influencers – Part 2

Finding Influencers with Sparktoro

Approaching Influencers

Network Effects & 2-Sided Markets

Seeding Marks with Network Effects

Seeding 2-Sided Markets

2-sided markets

Airbnb Case Study


Latch onto large companies – part 1

Latch onto large companies – part 2

App Store and Marketplace Optimization (ASO/SEO)

Keyword Research

Listing Optimization

Product Led Growth

The key to product led growth is a wider top-of-funnel

What can we learn about product-led growth from free-to-play games?

Gamification: the Frontier of Product-Led Growth

Habit-forming products

Product led habit formation

Do not require a work email!

What does product-led really mean?

The end user is king

Usage-based trials

Product Led Growth with RocketReach: The Usage Experience

Email nurturing after signing up for a free account – part 1

Email nurturing after signing up for a free account – part 2

Sample nurture emails and tips

Initial sign up process

Product led conversion benchmarks

Growth and Its Sources

Growth can be bad for business [Strategy]

Defining growth & its 3 sources [Accounting]

When is growth necessary? [Corporate Development]

Where does growth come from? [Business/Corporate Development]

Sources of Growth [Marketing]

The 2 places to look for growth opportunities – part 1 [Strategy]

The 2 places to look for growth opportunities – part 2 [Strategy]

Growth happens in small pockets

How to Grow

Growth through Price Increases

Growth through Customer Acquisition

Getting customers – strategy part 1

Getting customers – strategy part 2

Growth relies on clear financial goals

Measure demand for your product before you create it

Growth Hacking a Product Launch

The Early Stages of Growth

Riding a wave is easier than making one

What if you’re first to market?

How marketing budgeting drives growth

Marketing Psychology

One Simple Trick

How to change people’s minds

1 simple way to change people’s minds

Changing people’s minds – example



Addressing objections 1

Addressing objections 1

Don’t ask for annoying information upfront


Persuasion in app example


Cold Email

Scarcity in ecommerce


Toilet paper

Familiarity, Likeability, and Influence


Case Study – Cheers

Case Study – Agoda

Telling investors what they want to hear

Radical simplification 1

Radical simplification 2

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