A beginners guide for those working from home, helping those reduce stress levels and increase effectiveness.
How to plan your day so you can prioritize tasks in order of importance.
How to stay motivated when we are working from home.
The importance of technology and what equipment to use.
How to look after your wellbeing so you do not feel isolated in your home environment.
Some exclusive office hacks.
Course Description: Working from home
A beginners guide for those working from home, helping those reduce stress levels and increase effectiveness and productivity whilst also looking at ways to save money.
In this course you will learn about:
– How to use your space and environment when working from home.
– How to plan your day so you can prioritize tasks in order of importance.
– How important it is for the clothing you wear when working from home.
– Learn about setting up your ‘home office’ to increase productivity and effectiveness.
– How to stay motivated when we are working from home, as it can be daunting working in a small room, or if you’re a family person dealing with having people and background noise around, you will also learn how to look after your wellbeing so you do not feel isolated in your home environment.
– The importance of technology and what equipment to use, from a start up person who is just working from home to a professional who may be a video editor/youtuber/vlogger.
– Taking into consideration the boring bits, that most people neglect when working from home, the aspects we think are not important and sometime we forget about.
– Some exclusive office hacks
Setting Up The Office
Setting Up The Office
Space & Environment
Space & Environment
Plan Your Day
Plan Your Day
Organisation Board
Organisation Board
Motivation (Part 1)
Motivation (Part 1)
Motivation (Part 2)
Motivation (Part 2)
Bits & Bobs
Bits & Bobs
Office Hacks
Office Hacks
Boring Bits
Boring Bits
The post Working From Home first appeared on StudyBullet.