#IP Addressing and Subnetting – Zero to Hero

Go from zero to advanced in IP addressing in a single course!

What you will learn

☑ IPv4

☑ IP Subnetting

☑ FLSM Subnetting

☑ VLSM Subnetting

☑ Summarization (Summary IP)


As a computer science teacher, I noticed that IP addressing was one of the most intimidating topics for my students, and yet, it’s so simple for those who truly get to understand it.

My goal here was to create a course that is as simple as possible, and therefore, easy to understand for everyone, including those who are just beginning their journey into computer networks. One thing I added (that I haven’t seen in the other courses) is summarization – this topic may not be interesting to beginners, but if you plan on getting familiar with advanced routing techniques, you may want to practice summarization.

I’ll be checking the Q&A section daily, so feel free to ping me if anything’s unclear, or even with an assignment not related to this course.






IP Addressing

Different Types of Addresses

Binary Numbers

IPv4 Addresses – Format

IPv4 Addresses – Classes

IPv4 Addresses – CIDR

Public, Private, and Reserved IP Addresses


Why do we need Subnetting

Fixed-Length Subnet Mask (FLSM)

Variable-Length Subnet Mask (VLSM)


Practice Examples

Subnetting a Class A network – FLSM (Example 1)

Subnetting a Class A network – FLSM (Example 2)

Subnetting a Class B network – FLSM (Example 1)

Subnetting a Class B network – FLSM (Example 2)

Subnetting a Class C network – FLSM

Subnetting with VLSM (Example 1)

Subnetting with VLSM (Example 2)

Summarization – Example

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