#Basics of English Speaking for Workplace

English is a major requirement in today’s professional life.

What you will learn

☑ Explain the Various Parts of Speech

☑ Explain the Rules of Grammar

☑ Describe the Role of Vocabulary in Speaking

☑ Describe the Role of Body Language in Speaking

☑ Explain How to Use Your Voice Professionally

☑ Describe the Role of Questioning in Speaking

☑ Describe the Role of Listening in Speaking

☑ Describe the Role of Introductory Phrases

☑ Describe the Role of Interrupting Phrases

☑ Describe the Role of Fillers in Speaking

☑ List the Common Courtesy Expressions

☑ List the Phrases for Greeting

☑ List the Phrases Used in Telephonic Conversations

☑ Explain How to Speak in Discussions/Meetings

☑ Explain How to Speak to an Audience


Words in English Grammar are classified based on eight ‘Parts of Speech’. A part of speech does not explain the meaning of the word. However, it does explain how the word has been used in a particular sentence. Hence, a word may be used as a ‘noun’ in one sentence and may be used as an ‘adjective’ or a ‘verb’ in another sentence.

The best way to improve your vocabulary is to use small ‘post-it’ notes at your workplace as well as home. Whenever you learn a new word, write it down on a ‘post-it’ and stick it on the refrigerator at home or the soft board at your work station. Look at this new word every day, till the time it becomes a part of your vocabulary and you can use it comfortably in your everyday speech. Remove the ‘post-it’ that contains the word that you successfully added to your vocabulary!

When you come across any new word while reading the newspaper, a book, a report or anywhere else, make it a habit to find its meaning immediately. Do not put off finding the new word’s meaning for later. You can use an online dictionary or any free software that is available for easy download. Such a software helps to find the meaning of any word at the click of a button.

Your primary tool for instruction while speaking is your voice. When speaking to anyone, think about projection, pace and modulation.

Projection: The volume of your voice should be loud enough that the other person can hear you. At the beginning of the discussion, ask if your audience can hear you and adjust your volume accordingly.

Pace: Make sure you are not going so fast that people cannot keep up, or so slow that people get bored and stop paying attention. You can also use strategic pauses, such as pausing just before an important point in order to emphasize it.

Modulation: Varying your inflection and volume will keep your audience’s attention, whether your natural speaking voice is high or low, loud or soft.






Explain the Various Parts of Speech

Explain the Rules of Grammar

Describe the Role of Vocabulary in Speaking

Describe the Role of Body Language in Speaking

Explain How to Use Your Voice Professionally

Describe the Role of Questioning in Speaking

Describe the Role of Listening in Speaking

Describe the Role of Introductory Phrases

Describe the Role of Interrupting Phrases

Describe the Role of Fillers in Speaking

List the Common Courtesy Expressions

List the Phrases for Greeting

List the Phrases Used in Telephonic Conversations

Explain How to Speak in Discussions/Meetings

Explain How to Speak to an Audience

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The post Basics of English Speaking for Workplace first appeared on StudyBullet.
