#Code with Node JS – 2021

Build a Feature Rich, Production Ready, Web Application with Node JS

What you will learn

☑ Intermediate to advanced level web development and programming with Node and Express JS

☑ How to debug errors on the fly

☑ How to pick up new technologies fast

☑ How to build features like pagination, search, filtering, geolocation, clustering, geospatial indexing, authentication, authorization, admin dashboard, user profiles, image upload, payments, and more!

☑ How to build on pre-existing skills learned from courses like The Web Developer Bootcamp or Free Code Camp


Code w/ Node is a web developer course that teaches you how to create production grade features for a robust web app using Node and Express JS. The course is also designed to help you become a self-sufficient developer who can solve complex problems on the fly.

Elevate your developer skills in this learn by doing course where we will be building a feature rich, production ready, web application with the NEMO stack (Node Express MongoDB & Other stuff).

In this course you will build a production ready RESTful CRUD application that has:
– Bootstrap 4 styling
– ES6 (and later) syntax
– Maps with Mapbox
– Geospatial indexing
– Search
– Filtering
– Pagination
– Image upload (single and multiple)
– Mailers
– Password reset
– And much more!

Master key skills, including:
– Debugging effectively with locus
– Looking up solutions online
– Problem solving on the fly

Code with Node features a strong Discord community, where you can find help with bugs or make new friends to chat about code with.

This isn’t your average run-of-the-mill follow along course. We’ll be running into real-world bugs and solving them together.

By the end of this course you will not only have what it takes to build a complex web application, but you will likely be a more confident developer who can solve problems and learn new skills on the fly.

Are you ready to become a self-sufficient developer?

Let’s get started! 🙂




Intro & Overview


How to Get Help with a Bug or Issue

Introduction & Trello Setup

Bootstrapping of Express & Database Design

Course Note About Express-generator Update

Setting up Express with Express-generator

Database Design

Source Code: Database Design


Post Routes

Source Code: Post Routes

Review Routes

Source Code: Review Routes

User Routes

Source code: User Routes


User Model

Post Model

Review Model

Source Code: Models

User Authentication

Set Up Passport

Configure Passport & Create Index Controller

Test postRegister Method

Note about the next lecture

Connect to MongoDB & Test /register POST Route

Add User Email & Profile Image

Source Code: User Authentication (1-5)

Refactor /register Post Route

Refactor postRegister & errorHandler

Source Code: User Authentication (6-7)

/login and /logout Routes

Source Code: User Authentication (8)

Refactor /login and /logout Routes

Source Code: User Authentication (9)

Post Resource

Posts – Index

Source Code: Posts Index

Posts – New

Source Code: Posts New

Posts – Create

Source Code: Posts Create

Posts – Show

Source Code: Posts Show

Posts – Index (Revisited)

Source Code: Posts Index Revisited

Posts – Edit

Source Code: Posts Edit

Posts – Quick Refactor

Source Code: Posts Quick Refactor

Posts – Update

Source Code: Posts Update

Posts – Destroy

Source Code: Posts Destroy

Images Upload with Cloudinary

Posts – Images Upload – Create

Source Code: Posts – Images Upload – Create

Posts – Images Upload – Review

Source Code: Posts – Images Upload – Review

Posts – Images Upload – Client Validation

Source Code: Posts – Images Upload – Client Validation

Posts – Images Upload – Edit/Update

Source Code: Posts – Images – Upload Edit/Update

Posts – Images Upload – Edit/Update – Review

Posts – Images Upload – Delete

Source Code: Posts – Images Upload – Delete

Geolocation with Mapbox

Important note about the following lecture

Posts – Mapbox – Signup and Geocode

Source Code: Posts – Mapbox – Signup and Geocode

Posts – Mapbox – Displaying the Map

Source Code: Posts – Mapbox – Displaying the Map

Posts – Mapbox – Dynamic Map

Source Code: Posts – Mapbox – Dynamic Map

Posts – Mapbox – Update Location

Source Code: Posts – Mapbox – Update Location

EJS Layouts

Layouts – Intro

Layouts – Show

Source Code: Layouts – Intro & Show

Layouts – Navbar

Source Code: Layouts – Navbar

Layouts – Flash Messages – Part 1

Layouts – Flash Messages – Part 2

Source Code: Layouts – Flash Messages

Review Resource

Reviews – Initial Setup

Source Code: Reviews – Initial Setup

Reviews – Create

Source Code: Reviews – Create

Reviews – cURL

Source Code: Reviews – cURL

Reviews – Author

Source Code: Reviews – Author

Reviews – Toggle Edit Form

Reviews – Update

Reviews – Cleanup of Client JS

Source Code: Reviews – Edit/Update

Reviews – Authorization

Source Code: Reviews – Authorization

Reviews – Delete

Source Code: Reviews – Delete

Reviews – Restrict

Source Code: Reviews – Restrict

Reviews – Delete Refs

Source Code: Reviews – Delete Refs

Reviews – Star Rating

Source Code: Reviews – Star Rating

Sublime Text – Markdown Preview Package

Reviews – Clear Rating Button

Source Code: Reviews – Clear Rating Button

Post – Seeds & Pagination

Posts – Seeds & Pagination Pt. 1

Posts – Seeds & Pagination Pt. 2

Source Code: Posts – Seeds & Pagination

Post – Average Rating

Posts – Average Rating Pt. 1

Posts – Average Rating Pt. 2

Source Code: Posts – Average Rating

Cluster Maps

Cluster Maps Pt. 1 – Follow Along

Cluster Maps Pt. 2 – Follow Along

Cluster Maps Pt. 3 – Explanation

Cluster Maps Pt. 4 – Explanation

Cluster Maps Pt. 5 – Explanation

Cluster Maps Pt. 6 – Post Create and Update

Source Code: Cluster Maps

Multer Storage Cloudinary

Multer Storage Cloudinary Pt 1.

Multer Storage Cloudinary Pt 2.

Source Code: Multer Storage Cloudinary

User Authentication and Authorization (Cont.)

Pt. 1 – Add methods to routes

Pt. 2 – Add views and validation middleware

Source Code: User Auth. Continued (Pt.1 & 2)

Pt. 3 – Remove checkIfUserExists and update postLogin

Pt. 4 – Update postRegister, add email validation, and fix Not Found error

Source Code: User Auth. Continued (Pt.3 & 4)

Pt. 5 – Add isAuthor Middleware

Pt. 6 – Update UI and Test Pt. 5 Changes

Source Code: User Auth. Continued (Pt.5 & 6)

Housekeeping – Bug Fixes and Updates

Intro – Skit

Bug Fixes and Updates Pt. 1

Source Code: Bug Fixes and Updates Pt. 1

Bug Fixes and Updates Pt. 2

Source Code: Bug Fixes and Updates Pt. 2

User Profile

Pt. 1 – Create profile and add recent posts

Source Code: User Profile Pt. 1

Pt. 2 – Add update profile form and update navbar

Pt. 3 – Add client JS for form validation

User Profile (4)

Source Code: User Profile (2 – 4)

User Profile (5)

Source Code: User Profile (5)

Profile Image

Feature Overview

Client Setup and User Model Update

Add deleteProfileImage Middleware

Update Index Controller

Update User (Index) Routes

Source Code: Profile Image

Forgot Password / Reset

Pt. 1 – Feature Overview

Pt 2. – Sign Up for SendGrid

Pt. 3 – New Guide Format

Pt. 4 – Add API key, Install SendGrid, & Update User Model

Pt. 5 – Views

Pt. 6 – Index Controller (1)

Pt. 7 – Index Controller (2)

Pt. 8 – Index Controller (3)

Pt. 9 – Routes

Source Code: Forgot Password / Reset

Search and Filter

Pt. 1 – Feature Overview

Pt. 2 – Code Overview

Pt. 3 – Add 2dsphere Index to Post Model

Pt. 4 – Update Seeds File & Re-seed Database

Pt. 5 – Views (boilerplate & paginatePosts)

Pt. 6 – Views (searchFilter)

Pt. 7 – Views (searchFilter cont.)

Pt. 8 – Views (posts/index)

Pt. 9 – Controllers (posts)

Pt. 10 – Views Refactor (1)

Pt. 11 – Views Refactor (2)

Pt. 12 – Middleware (1)

Pt. 13 – Middleware (2)

Pt. 14 – Middleware (3)

Pt. 15 – Middleware (4)

Pt. 16 – Middleware (5)

Pt. 17 – Middleware (6)

Pt. 18 – Routes, Public, and Feature Test

Pt. 19 – Use My Location

Note: Bug Fix

Source Code: Search and Filter


Pt. 1 – Feature Overview

Pt. 2 – Copy Theme Files and Install Moment

Pt. 3 – Update Seeds, Index Controller, Styles, and Client JS

The post Code with Node JS – 2021 first appeared on StudyBullet.
